Monday, February 23, 2009

Sync google calendar & outlook

So, the obvious choice is google's pc client, which is free.  But, and it's a big but...  it doesn't seem to work very well.    I need to to get calendar onto an android phone...  sending to google/cloud is a bonus too, so i've discounted the more direct android/exchange programs.  I also only want calendar sync too, not email, etc.

The obvious issue with google's tool is that outlook calendar events that were not created by you are not synced.  These would be events to which you've been invited by someone else (as organiser), and they obviously appear in your outlook calendar.  I have a lot of these in my work calendar...  

[a quick google search should find all this stuff...]

This has a relatively easy fix; add your outlook email address to google, authenticate it (usual 'click here if it's you' type thing) then use that email address as the login for the google pc client (with your normal google password, which is a bit weird).

I find this doesn't seem to work so well, odd things keep being missed.   I've recently installed the free SyncMyCal instead.  The free version only does 3 days, and is manual only (ie no timed sync) but it seems to work nicely.  I'll give it a go for a few more days, and see if I shell out $25 (= £17) for it...

(I don't know if it's just me, but when you start some weird 3 way sync, eg outlook <> google <> phone something always goes wrong and you have to kind of tinker to make it work, at which point it's fine...)

1 comment:

Neil said...

I did purchase syncmycal, and i'm very happy with it. Seems to play up with contacts sync, but that's icing on the cake really...
[as a hunch, i'd say google updated their cloud api...]